Why havnt record labels ran to Congress for their 2009 bailout money?
Question by Friendnock: Why havnt record labels ran to Congress for their 2009 bailout money?
There are rumors that record labels are loosing millions on most of our popular artist. Due to people having the chance to download music for free. Why dont music labels advocate for an Administrative Agency to protect the interest of music such US Department of Art/Music. Also request for their bail out money like the movie industry has done. If they dont get any advocates this might be the end of upcoming artist, songwriters and music period.
Best answer:
Answer by ????
Why? The music industry has an antiquated business model with no positive change in sight. It would be quite idiotic to throw money at a money losing industry.
The industry’s excuse of piracy being the major factor in its decline is an excuse for its releases of crappy music year after year.
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