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why are people so quick to accept garbage, and immorality, singers don’t do blow jobs for 20 bucks, do they?

Question by Herb V: why are people so quick to accept garbage, and immorality, singers don’t do blow jobs for 20 bucks, do they?
this David Hernandez guy chose to work in a club where he stripped and did sexual favors for men rather than get a job like any decent young man would have, he chose to sucker old men out of they’re hard earned money, leeching off od the lonly and heart broken, why would i wish him a singing career.

I work in the music business, a producer asked me to find him he wants to offer him a contract, I will not, the dude will find some rich gay man to support him, and I won’t be a part of it, not at all.

I studied music and learned to play I didn’t do blow job’s, for cash. You want to support trash you go right a head, but i won’t spend one dime. And I’m gay.

Best answer:

Answer by golong22
who gives a fuck…hes out anyways…gone…

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