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Who writes online blogs?

Question by NewRomantic__: Who writes online blogs?
I really want to do this. But i want to add people before i get started, anyone write blogs? If so what blogging sites do you use, i know theres a few. And ive just noticed the links above saying Blog. Do any write them on Yahoo?

Send me links to your blogs.

I like reading alsorts, fashion, music, life, entertainment, general chit-chat. Ive seen some Tumblr Blogs, which has interested me. 😀

Plus who else gets annoyed by people spamming your questions with stuff they sell, not cool at all.

Best answer:

Answer by fjpoblam
I’m getting annoyed by people spamming my questions with stuff they sell! I didn’t know that was happening. In fact, it never happened to me until just this morning, when I asked a question and got TWO spammers within 5 minutes! What a bite! I’m with you, pard.

As for blogs, I’ve used and I consider a “graduation” from, but that’s just me. (I’m not sending you a link to my blogs just because I’m a private sort.)

There are also blogs on all manner of places like (I think) Yahoo! and (I know) Opera and MSN/Live. Probably a world of others. Lots of folks use them, but you may have a hard time garnering an audience. gives you a free place to put a blog. gives you a free copy of the software to put on your own hosted website (YOU buy the website somewhere and give it a name all your own…more flexible.)

Lots of folks get more satisfaction out of saying their things on Twitter and Facebook these days (“social blogging” – small, quick entries) instead of having a long-term permanent blog.


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