Where can I find the best information on getting sample contracts?
Question by cookiemonster: Where can I find the best information on getting sample contracts?
I’m trying to compose an estimate to lay a laminate wood floor and am trying to find a sample contract or estimate to go off of. If you cant point me in the right direction and I end up using your help I will give 5 stars plus best answer. Thank you
Best answer:
Answer by GordShumway
I’ve provided several links related to laminate wood flooring installation. I wasn’t quite sure from your question whether you intend to lay the flooring yourself, or whether you plan to have a contractor do the work. In any case, I’ve also provided you a link to a sample contract if you need that.
Incidentally, both Lowes and Home Depot run “how-to” workshops from time to time. If you live near one of those stores you may want to check into that (even if you buy the laminate elsewhere). Hope this helps. Best of luck.
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