Where can I find example or template “Rent-to-Own”/”Lease-to-home” housing contracts?
Question by Steve A: Where can I find example or template “Rent-to-Own”/”Lease-to-home” housing contracts?
A good friend of mine has a house. She wants to rent and sell, but a possible tenant is interested in a lease-to-own arrangement . I have read up on a lease-to-own arrangement, so I would next like to see what a contract looks like. Where can I find such contracts at online?
Best answer:
Answer by Pat B
I answered another question about rent-to-own contracts earlier and at that time, looked for a rent to own contract and found none that were free.
You can pay for one here:
I have no affiliation with that site whatsoever. I found the website via a link here:
I have no affiliation with that site either.
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