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What’s with the constant question “Why is rap considered music”?

Question by gu3r1ll4: What’s with the constant question “Why is rap considered music”?
I don’t understand, according to the dictionary, music is defined as “an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.”
Rap artists express themselves through lyrics, in harmony with a melody. The word “beat” is slang for a melody, and the artist must be in harmony with this melody or the artist will sound off-beat. Its beat-lyric agreement. Basically, simply talking over a melody does not count as rapping. With the definition clearly stating rap is music, WHY IS THERE THE CONSTANT QUESTION “WHY IS RAP CONSIDERED MUSIC”?
Is it just the ignorance of people who are fans of other genres, whose personal bias mask the truth. Or is there something that i’m missing?

Best answer:

Answer by East Coast Assassin
They’re racist, it’s the truth.

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