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whats a good way to start a music production company?

Question by aleraiders: whats a good way to start a music production company?
im producing music and would like any suggestions on how to get started

Best answer:

Answer by Imperia Studios
first you nee a computer that can handle all the work that is going to be done on it.. at least 100gb hd and 1g ram. then get a mixer from guitar center. i would recommend the Behringer 1202 mixer, its small but it will do the job. learn how to hook it all up and then buy Acid Pro 6, its a multi layering recording/mixing software, and some mics. after you have the stuff to actually produce the music, go out and find bands or artists and tell them you what to produce their CD. you might have to do it for free for a while but once you get good you can start charging.

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