What should the contract contain to protect my identity and personal info?
Question by Cali 2011: What should the contract contain to protect my identity and personal info?
Through a verbal agreement, I received a loan from a friend about a month ago. I was to pay it back within 2 months. A week passed and my friend offered to have me work to pay the hours off instead of paying back in cash. He took down my social security number, DOB, contact info, etc. He decided later he’d rather me just pay him back the cash. Before I pay him back, I want to secure a contract before hading over the check.
Best answer:
Answer by wowinca
I am not sure what kind of a contract you want. One to protect your identity/personal information?
Even if you enter into a contract to protect your personal information what would your recourse be? Unless you put in the contract a “liquidated damages clause” which provides for specific damages.
An example of this would be: Should you provide to any person, for any purpose, any of the personal information you obtained on (date) provided to you for employment purposes, you will be in breach of this contract and the liquidated damages will be $ 5,000.00.
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