What should I major in? Music? Business?
Question by Christian: What should I major in? Music? Business?
I want to one day own my own music venue, coffee shop combination. So what should I major in? Should I just minor in music? If I major in business is there a lot of math because I’m terrible at math. What business major would be best for what I want to do? The college I plan on attending has these business majors:
Accounting B
Business – General B
Business Administration/Management B
Business/Managerial Economics B
Finance/Banking B
Golf and club management B
Hospitality Administration/Management B
Marketing Management B
Real Estate B
Restaurant/Food Services Management B
Travel/Tourism Management B
10 points for a thorough answer. Thanks
Best answer:
Answer by karthik
Do what your heart desires, if you are so focused on what you need and if you have an aversion to a Business College course, don’t do it! Its not worth it.
If music is your passion pursue it, but please check courses. As far as I know music has Math has well; Good luck
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