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what phones are on the market for me?? i am quite fussy!!!?

Question by =: what phones are on the market for me?? i am quite fussy!!!?
I would like a new phone soon (but there’s no rush). money isnt an object i have a vodafone contract so i get a free phone upgrade.

I want it to have
-automatic predictive texting
-can play music
-sounds a bit strange but i want a text screen like the Samsung E900- i have that now- which u type the message, then press send and the contact list comes up. so you dont put in the contact then type your message which i have seen recently.
-slide would be the best but i dont mind flip or brick either
-reasonable size
-wifi would be an added bonus, but i have the ipod touch so its not absolutely necessary.

does anyone know of any phones with some of these traits? i know theres quite a lot i want so im fine with some sacrifices but ideally i would like a phone almost exactly the same as above.


Best answer:

Answer by Peanut Butter Jelly !
go for any of sony ericsson phones…
they are the best !

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