What phone should I get?
Question by Bob B: What phone should I get?
I need help deciding what phone to get.
I would like a phone that…
-Allows Instant Messaging
-Instead of making me pay a monthly price, I can pay an amount that gives me so-and-so minutes of calling and/or instant messaging time.
-Has a QWERTY keyboard
I would prefer if it had…
-With a contract and/or package, will not cost me over $ 100 (Not needed)
-Web browsing (Not needed)
-A music player (Not needed)
-E-Mail (Preferred)
It does NOT have to have…
-A touchscreen
-Games and Apps
-Calendar and Address Book
Please note that I REQUIRE the top three things I need. The other are not necessary.
The difference between preferred and not needed are that…
For preferred, if the option was available and I had to pay for it, I would most likely take it.
For not needed, if the option was available and I had to pay for it, I would not take it.
Best answer:
Answer by *{-Lily(<3)Rain-}*
Depending whose your carrier get a blackberry
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