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What is the rock band in this music video?

Question by Smilele: What is the rock band in this music video?
I saw it earlier on tv but it didn’t say the artist! All I remember from it was that a woman signed a contract and the ink spread from the paper to her arm and slowly to the rest of her body. Then there was a little boy with a lollypop and it showed his feet where the black ink was spreading up his legs. At the end there was another woman covered in ink, and towards the end there were two stripper girl kissing. yeah…the music video was kinda weird but i liked the song lol
can you tell me who is the artist and song?

Best answer:

Answer by jon
hmmm its kinda hard to tell you a band haha explaining the video doesnt really help, but maybe someone will, if you could be more specific im sure itll be easier to answer 😛 good luck finding it

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