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What is the difference between music business versus business?

Question by darksweets: What is the difference between music business versus business?
Yeah, I understand the obvious. One involves music companies and the other doesn’t.

But I heard from someone that they’re two totally different things in, like, basic curricula.

Is there really a MAJOR difference between the two? Or is it just the same thing? And if so, would it affect my chances at getting a job in the music industry if I did one instead of the other?

Best answer:

Answer by Rich
If you want a job in the music industry go for a Music Business Degree. It has some of the same requirements as a conventional business degree. Some of the courses required for Music Business are: musicianship, music theory, recording studio, music publishing, music literature, basic conducting, songwriting, recording, church music, history of music, to name a few. So yes, there is a major difference.

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