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What is the best way to get a recording contract?

Question by MandyMarie: What is the best way to get a recording contract?
I have been told by many people, including strangers, that I have an excellent voice. I am only 15 though and my parents say that “they don’t want me in the music business”, but that is all I ever wanted to do. They won’t help me pay for anything to do with music, so… if you know a way to get a recording contract (on little money) please help.

Best answer:

Answer by alexela
have you tried putting your stuff on youtube or myspace? That’s how ppl like Justin Bieber and Colbie Caillait were “found”. If there’s any local competition-try it out! or maybe you could sing to get money in order to get a demo recorded? I’m sorry, I know exactly how you feel lol. My family stresses in getting an education first and they kinda bash the entertainment industry for not being a “steady income”…so, to please them and yourself, for now, at 15…do it on the side as much as you can. Good luck!

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