What does being a Music Producer entail?
Question by Zach S: What does being a Music Producer entail?
I am 15 years old, entering the last half of my sophomore year in high school. I have been rapping on the side and people think I’m pretty cool. I realize I have a good touch for music, “rap.hip hop”. I realize becoming a rapper is all a bout luck and is very, very chances. I honestly believe I have what it takes but then again I dont want to waste a lot of time chasing a running dream. So, I decided producing might be the right path. I’m an A student at a top school in the state. I am good at Math and Science and such. I have loved audio anything, congifuring it, DJ’ing, or mixing. I want it bad. What all does it entail to do as a producer? Am I chasing a hard dream that only few are successful in? Am I chasing the right dream? What kind of stuff should I do to prepare for it?
Best answer:
Answer by Long Beach
First off, being a music produces doesnt happen by luck. It happens by hard work and dedicating you life to music. What it entails is usually what the name says. You produce music. You create beat, you decided what verses who is going to sing, who decided when the chorus is going to be put it ect. You produce every bit and piece of the song. Its takes a lot of time. When you go and buy an album, even though it may have a picture of Brittany Spears (just an example) on it, she had very little to do with the album. All she did was basically lend her vocals. The producer actually makes more off the album then she does. As for you chances of making it, sorry but EXTREMELY low, so many hundreds of thousands of people are dreaming and trying for the same career you are. Unfortunately probably less then .5% actaully make it big, or make it at all. But if its really you dream then dont give up, How else will you know if you are gonna make it or not.
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