What do you think about music file sharing, now that a Minnesota jury awarded music companies $222,000?
Question by NY Buzz: What do you think about music file sharing, now that a Minnesota jury awarded music companies 2,000?
Jamie Thomas, a 30 year old single mother and employee of an Indian tribe, was ordered to pay a $ 9,250 fine for each of 24 shared songs, a total of $ 222,000.
“This is a girl that lives from paycheck to paycheck, and now all of a sudden she could get a quarter of her paycheck garnished for the rest of her life,” her attorney said.
He said earlier this week that she had racked up some $ 60,000 in legal fees because she refused to be bullied.
And while Thomas insisted that she had never downloaded or uploaded music, her lawyer tried to convince jurors there was no way to prove who had uploaded songs on the Kazaa file sharing network.
A jury took just five hours to decide that evidence provided by the music labels showed otherwise and found Thomas guilty of copyright infringement.
So, are YOU still going to music file share after this jury’s verdict, or do you think that this could only happen in Minnesota, where someone like Al Franken could be elected their new Senator?
Best answer:
Answer by denver.wild
Isn’t Minnesota where they had a professional wrestler as their Governor? I’m pretty sure.
I can’t believe that a jury would find her guilty or award that much money. That’s Democrats for you. They’ve ruined her life for their stinking greed. How much money do they need to be happy anyway? It’s not like any of them are living in a cheap rental or working for an Indian Tribe.
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