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What do we think of the music business these days?

Question by Michael W: What do we think of the music business these days?
I am a classical musician and I must admit look like one (I was at school playing in a rock band and someone correctly identified that I looked like a classical pianist).
Does poplar music have to be all about image, looks, e.t.c.
Shouldnt it be about weather they can play there instrument well or not. gg
I was looking to apply for a job with a rock band who said ‘Must be good looking’. If the only reason that people go to concerts is because the artist looks good (oh, and they sing quite well too) then why not go to a fashion show to see the models on display.
What would happen if you wrote some of the greatest songs around (ranking amongst the greats like the beatles and Mihael Jackson or even madonna) but you didnt look good. Would you not get signed to a record label just because you dont look like a pop star.
Do you have to live the pop star lifestyle. With the way I look and the way I act I dont think hoards of girls will come up to me screaming WE LOVE YOU MIKE and YOUR SO HOT
Can you imagine seeing a geeky looking person with frekles and glasses (i dont look like that) headlining a festival like Glastonbury and still getting the same applause.
If I became a famous musician (yea right!) I wouldnt want to have plastic surgery or have anything done to the way I look to make me look more attractive. Id rather commit suicide than have someone photoshop my face to make me somone im not.
Screw the music industry and shows like the Xfactor and American Idol where the public voting is based on looks.
Screw the newspapers for there awfull harassment of music stars – 3 people have died in a roadside bomb in Iraq but who cares about that because madonna has adopted an african baby!! Wow I really give a s**t. The news has shocked me so much that I having a heart attack right now. help help help HELP HELP HELP I NEED SOMEBODY. Because Im Bad Im bad Im really really bad.

Best answer:

Answer by KaysLiLMama
Way too long of a question. I quit reading after the first line. But I like music and that’s all I know.

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