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What can I do in the music industry?

Question by TheNew: What can I do in the music industry?
I know a lot about graphic design and web design, but i do have a passion for music, strong passion, the music industry is shakey. I don’t want to lay down vocals but I love production and CD designs….and the promotion and business of the industry. So what would be a good career for me in the music industry?

Best answer:

Answer by Dexter
Every major label has an art dept. These are the people that work with the artists in the Album covers and anything that requires special designing . You could also see if the label would let you produce but chances are they would want you to only work in art. Also you could be an A&R but that means you have to find talent and you have to work with your artists to make sure their songs become hits. The A&R can pretty much do anything for artists in the label they work for, as long sd what their doing means success.

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