what at&t cell phone should i get?
Question by prestidigitator: what at&t cell phone should i get?
i’ll be eligible for a cell phone upgrade with at&t next week and i really don’t know what phone i want, i like so many of them! but anyways, uhm..i’m 15, i’m looking for a slide-out qwerty keyboard phone or touch screen or both. i don’t mind having a pda or smartphone. it has to have camera and video. and music player. and it just has to be really sexy and unique but not too expensive. it can’t be more than $ 150 with the 2 year contract. and i would like to have wifi integrated but not really necessary, doesn’t really matter to me. but i guess that’s about it. please help me decide. also it can’t be too bulky and cheap-looking. please help me out 🙂
i want to change what i said before. i don’t want a touch screen qwerty keyboard
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Im 13….well i just got the LG VU today and i love this thing… its has a camera at first without any mirco sd card in it it holds 555 pictures just by itself! Vidoes and Voice recording 🙂
music player. SMS and MMS text, fully virtual meaning no slide out keyboard- the whole phone is touch screen! but when texting you also can make its a full key board on the phone.:) Blue touth compatible, Internet, AT & T Mobile TV, games & applications!
and essentials such as: Calender, Alarm clock, notepad, tip caculator, tasks, stop watch, and unit converter!… it does come with pre loaded ring tones.
the phone was orginal $ 100 but come with a $ 50 rebate! so it was only 50 dollars.
go check it out on the website at:
I hope i helped!
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