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What are your oppinions on body modification.. ?

Question by whispers: What are your oppinions on body modification.. ?
In the work place? I work in retail as a shift supervisor and right now I have one tattoo in my inner wrist of 3 hearts. I would like to get some music notes on my other arm. I also have 18 gage earings in each ear but want to bring them to about a 10. I have a cartlidge piercing and want to transition it into an industrial..
Will I lose my job? Will it be the end of my promotions? I have seen people that are modified come into the company with their look and become managment, but is it different since I am wanting to make these changes after employment was established?

Best answer:

Answer by Just Michelle
Usually work places don’t like for their employees to have piercings/tattoos.

I can understand that,even with me having my lip pierced.

I like piercings and tattoos,however in some businesses I can understand.

You will have to ask your work place,and see what their rules are on it.

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