Was that Jay Z’s son that was killed in Florida lastnight?
Question by Wutz it worth 2 ya?: Was that Jay Z’s son that was killed in Florida lastnight?
They said he was the son or a famous rap music producer, and the picture they showed, he looked an awful lot like Jay Z. Anybody heard?
They didn’t give any names yet, but they did show a picture of the victim, that’s what I’m going by. When I saw it I said Jay Z’s son right away. Apparently he was open fired on, on his walk across the street for a bag of ice. (For those who haven’t heard)
They didn’t give any names yet, but they did show a picture of the victim, that’s what I’m going by. When I saw it I said Jay Z’s son right away. Apparently he was open fired on, on his walk across the street for a bag of ice. (For those who haven’t heard)
(Sorry about the double print above, my yahoo is weird lately)
This story broke all over Fox news earlier if any of you care to research it.
Best answer:
Answer by Danny X
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