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TV rights contract negotiations. What’s your view?

Question by Бløøzбøý CL bring it!: TV rights contract negotiations. What’s your view?
The Prem have a collective contract for the whole league and the money is then shared out according to teams performance, but even those at the bottom still get a nice bit of pie.

In La Liga and Serie A the giant teams negotiate individual contracts that are very lucrative, but the smaller teams get hardly anything.

I think that maybe the Prem way is better and allows the smaller clubs the chance to be more competitive, but I am not totally convinced. What do you think?
There are moves for Italy to move over to a collective model in 2010 – this would leave Spain on their own. Example numbers for domestic revenues from the Prem League (the last available) show MU with £49 million down to the club relegated in last place still getting £29million. Valencia only get 20% of the TV rev that Real Madrid get from La Liga games.
@MJ – informed views!
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Best answer:

Answer by Mr. Flash (Freshy)
Yeah I think your point would be proven if the bottom 16 teams of EPL were actually more competitive hahaha

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