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Training planned for jail employees

Training planned for jail employees
The North Platte Telegraph It’s not complete yet, but three international trainings are already planned for the new Lincoln County Jail. At Monday’s commissioners’ meeting, chief deputy Dean Sparks said Smith and Wesson instructors would teach a class about disassembling and servicing AR-15s. Drug dog certification and Taser training will also be offered.
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Gov’t a monster at times, a mouse at others
Malaysiakini Your Say ‘Peter Chin’s statement that ‘the government has got no power to reveal IPP contracts’ sounds like the lamest excuse given by any politician.’ Minister: Gov’t has no power to reveal IPP contracts Susah Kes: Funny. For a government that places people under the Internal Security Act, uses police or judiciary powers to […]
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Schools: Budget deficit down to .2 million
By DONNA KENNY KIRWAN education.jpg PAWTUCKET — Thanks to the school district receiving $ 1.1 million in state literacy funds that are no longer restricted, school officials say their latest deficit figure for the FY12 budget is now down to $ 1.2 million. The approximately $ 100 million school budget for the coming year had originally contained a deficit of $ 7.3 million. That figure was then pared …
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