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Those who lack vision are

Those who lack vision are
In reply to 100 Knots Of Fibre To Your Node : Those who lack vision are unaware of the technological implications of the rapidly changing world of wireless broadband. They best just investigate recent developments now in place, not to mention the innovative new systems already in the pipeline, before trotting out the lame and wrinkled ‘fibre-to-the-home’ chant of ancient NBN dinosaur devotees …
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Q&A: Lori Kaplan, NPR’s Director of Audience Insight & Research
Once upon a time, NPR was an acronym for National Public Radio . That was then. Now, the company refers to itself as “a thriving media organization at the forefront of digital innovation.”
Read more on e-Consultancy

Artistâs death highlights indie musicâs problems
His lifeless body was found by a friend sprawled out in a cramped basement-level one-room, surrounded by clutter. He was rushed to a hospital where, after being comatose for five days, he died on Oct …..
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