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the music video for the the song “Beast and Harlot” by Avenged Sevenfold, i don’t get it…?

Question by MMA<3er: the music video for the the song “Beast and Harlot” by Avenged Sevenfold, i don’t get it…?
in the video for this it shows the girl in the red and her sould or something gets sucked out. then later they pick the blonde girl and she signs the contract and she turns all black, the same black that the girl int he red got sucked out of her… heres the video off of youtube.

\please check it out and tell me what is going on in the video… thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Banana Hero [RIP MJ]
I would say that the black represents temptation and sin and all that jazz.

I think the story can be followed from there – the lady in red (who I wanna say is supposed to be the devil but that seems too painstakingly obvious) tempts people into doing bad things to her. But at the end, she’s given the option for more power (maybe; I think that’s what the card with the skull represented – A7X supplies the power, I guess) and is then turned into black (or stone?) for temptation.

There are probably some specifics on what parts of the video mean, which would make sense to people who know the Bible like that.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!