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Am I wrong to feel this way?

Question by Terrence Mann: Am I wrong to feel this way?
I’m 23 and I have never been in a relationship before. I’m a shy introverted guy. Mostly b/c I’m a bit insecure about my looks ( I was… Continue reading

Q&A: wrong ring wrong guy?

Question by Leslie B: wrong ring wrong guy?
I meet this music producer 1 hlf yr ago. He reciently broke up his 4 year engagement 4 months ago and we started talking. Never physically meet, He claims… Continue reading

Q&A: I’m a wrong to feel this way?

Question by Terrence Mann: I’m a wrong to feel this way?
I’m 23 and I have never been in a relationship before. I’m a shy introverted guy. Mostly b/c I’m a bit insecure about my looks (… Continue reading

So What Else Has the American Securitization Forum Said That is Wrong?

So What Else Has the American Securitization Forum Said That is Wrong?
As readers may recall, the American Securitization Forum came out, in what it no doubt thought was guns-a-blazing style, to attack critics of securitization abuses. In particular, the… Continue reading

What Wrong With American Idol

What’s Wrong with ‘American Idol’? Bob Baker’s updated manifesto on how the popular show is creating widespread misconceptions about what it takes to succeed as a musical artist today. It’s one of the most popular TV shows of recent years,… Continue reading