My friend and I would like to post a parody on youtube?
Question by ☮ Madi: My friend and I would like to post a parody on youtube?
Ok, so we made a twilight/edward cullen version of Katy Perry’s song “I Kissed a Girl”. We want to post it somewhere, possibly… Continue reading
Google’s Eric Schmidt: Blocking file-sharing sites would make U.S., Britain like China
Bomb the Music Industry!
Image by joevaasphoto
Google’s Eric Schmidt: Blocking file-sharing sites would make U.S., Britain like China
Eric Schmidt, Google’s executive chairman, said on Wednesday that proposals from the U.S. and U.K. governments to… Continue reading
Q&A: What kind of career would suit me?
Question by Jade: What kind of career would suit me?
When it’s time for me to choose, I’d like to have a career where I can travel to different countries and do some sort of business. I… Continue reading
What steps would one take to break into the music promoting & booking industry?
Question by leisl: What steps would one take to break into the music promoting & booking industry?
Specifically, I am interested in leaving my current career. I would like to learn more about approachign the Booking Agent or Music… Continue reading
Is there any schools that teaches music/acting that would accept a student with a low GPA?
Question by Elwood Blues: Is there any schools that teaches music/acting that would accept a student with a low GPA?
I would to get into the music/acting business BADLY! I recently got withdrawn from my community college due to… Continue reading