Q&A: My Dating Paradox. Date and Be Unhappy? Or Choose Celibacy and The Peace Within?
Question by TheOfficialMan: My Dating Paradox. Date and Be Unhappy? Or Choose Celibacy and The Peace Within?
Okay. I’m a 26 year old virgin who has never been considered attractive, or even approachable until lately. Having… Continue reading
What college major should I pursue if I want to work within the music industry?
Question by Micky: What college major should I pursue if I want to work within the music industry?
I would like to work on the business side of the music/entertainment industry.
By this, I mean I would… Continue reading
Illegal in-law unit within garage, should I pay rent?
Question by david s: Illegal in-law unit within garage, should I pay rent?
I lived in an illegal unit for 6months. I just found out that it is indeed an illegal unit and confirmed it with my… Continue reading
Q&A: What are some top jobs within the music industry? PLEASE READ!!?
Question by ally: What are some top jobs within the music industry? PLEASE READ!!?
Im really into music, and into bands, musicians ect.
I like going to gigs, and reading about musicians and stuff like that.
Im 17, and… Continue reading
Music Video for Dutch Soul artist Boris. Won Dutch version of TV-format Pop Idol (created by Simon Fuller) Idols 2005. Production Company: www.venswichfilms.com Artist: www.borismusic.nl
Video Rating: 4 / 5