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Q&A: Is anyone willing to give me a record deal?

Question by Raziel: Is anyone willing to give me a record deal?
I’ve got a Facebook page, and one video that is designed to look leaked. I am the next big rapper, and I have a well-thought out business… Continue reading

When a texas band teacher job opens in Feb, are the 30 applicants out of work, or willing to break contract?

Question by pikachuflatulates: When a texas band teacher job opens in Feb, are the 30 applicants out of work, or willing to break contract?
I can’t believe 30 people would be sitting there out of work, when they can… Continue reading

GENERAL MUSIC INDUSTRY: Google Willing to Help Record Labels Combat Music Piracy, but It’LL Cost Them

GENERAL MUSIC INDUSTRY: Google Willing to Help Record Labels Combat Music Piracy, but It’LL Cost Them
If the record labels want Google to help them find links to infringing content; it’ll cost them. As much as $ 5 per thousand… Continue reading