What groups of people, in the past, were unable to form a contract due to civil laws?
Question by Shay: What groups of people, in the past, were unable to form a contract due to civil laws?
I am looking for groups of people, besides slaves or women, that could not commit to a… Continue reading
If you were rich beyond belief, what would be the one “crazy” indulgence you would do…For example……
Question by finest_man_in_fl: If you were rich beyond belief, what would be the one “crazy” indulgence you would do…For example……
You know how music stars might have in their contract that their dressing room be pink… Continue reading
I have a mangager and now were just under verbal contract. But they are wanting us to sign contract?
Question by ghetto: I have a mangager and now were just under verbal contract. But they are wanting us to sign contract?
What should this consist of? How do i protect myself? How much do musicians managers usually get… Continue reading
my band and I were contracted by another musician to play a large festival in NYC,he claims the check was lost?
Question by ckrtagntmn: my band and I were contracted by another musician to play a large festival in NYC,he claims the check was lost?
This was over seven weeks ago.he claims the check was lost and has… Continue reading