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where can i get a wedding planner contract sample?

Question by J J: where can i get a wedding planner contract sample?

Best answer:

Answer by phantom_of_valkyrie
Each wedding planner is going to have a completely radically different contract. After all, it varies bride by bride and based… Continue reading

Who are all the people you should tip at your wedding?

Question by dbrcymry: Who are all the people you should tip at your wedding?
I am already paying for the priest, altar servers, musicians, photographer, limos, etc. Do you also tip the DJ, the Catering Manager, the limo drivers,… Continue reading

Wedding Videography: Post Production

Now that you’ve shot some great wedding footage, it’s time to put it all together. Learn how most videographers compile wedding packages, do multi-cam editing, and make compelling love stories, slideshows, and highlights that capture the emotion of the event.… Continue reading


Typical paperwork to fill out before getting the contract for your next wedding
Video Rating: 5 / 5

I need a sample contract for a wedding planner/coordinator?

Question by richele152: I need a sample contract for a wedding planner/coordinator?

Best answer:

Answer by Stephanie
if you go here you can create your own!&utm_medium=PPC&utm_campaign=Specific_Legal_Forms&OVRAW=wedding%20planner%20contract&OVKEY=wedding%20planner%20contract&OVMTC=standard&OVADID=27080842511&OVKWID=164194226511

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