In violation of their contract, a partner quits a ?
Question by babyfirl112: In violation of their contract, a partner quits a ?
partnership and goes into competition with her old partner. Thge old partner may ask the court for:
a.specific performance requiring her to return to… Continue reading
Would this be considered a violation of contract?
Question by Alvin: Would this be considered a violation of contract?
You know, I’ve been to fests and seens concerts where singers and musicians have had bottles and other dangeous objects thrown at them, and on occassion… Continue reading
Such thing as Contact Violation Laws in music Biz?
Question by misso: Such thing as Contact Violation Laws in music Biz?
Question. I worked with someone I knew for years in the music industry. He introduced one of his good friends to me to create a… Continue reading
Q&A: Would a increase in 411 constitute a cellular contract violation, thereby voiding it?
Question by taraneecole: Would a increase in 411 constitute a cellular contract violation, thereby voiding it?
I’ve been reading on getting out of contracts and I’ve heard fee increases can be contract violations on their part. So: Would a… Continue reading
RIGHTS: To Err is Human, to Arr is Pirate – Court Forces Major Labels to Pay $45m in Copyright Violation Claims
RIGHTS: To Err is Human, to Arr is Pirate – Court Forces Major Labels to Pay m in Copyright Violation Claims
The big four major labels—EMI, Sony, Universal, and Warner—are being required to pay upwards of $ 45 million to… Continue reading