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Does a written contract trump any verbal agreement you make afterward?

Question by Mariza21: Does a written contract trump any verbal agreement you make afterward?
Once you have a written contract, does any verbal agreement you make after the signing of the written contract hold up in court? For example,… Continue reading

Is a verbal agreement/contract binding in the state of California?

Question by Rosie: Is a verbal agreement/contract binding in the state of California?

Best answer:

Answer by Tom B
Yes and no.
Yes legally a verbal contact is just as binding as a written contract,… Continue reading

What issues could occur with a verbal agreement/contract?

Question by Ella: What issues could occur with a verbal agreement/contract?

Best answer:

Answer by Alex R-T
Anyone who spent time in the military can tell you, if it’s not on paper it doesn’t count.… Continue reading

In Florida, is a verbal agreement a binding contract?

Question by Yeline G: In Florida, is a verbal agreement a binding contract?
I am going to take my ex-landlord to small claims court and I was promised monies and she never paid me the amount she stated to… Continue reading

Q&A: Is a verbal agreement binding if there is also a contract involved not yet signed?

Question by Samantha: Is a verbal agreement binding if there is also a contract involved not yet signed?
I rented a parking spot in a garage and the owner and I had a verbal agreement that I would pay… Continue reading