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I need some good t-shirt slogans for H.S marching band who’s loosing there director?

Question by kitty: I need some good t-shirt slogans for H.S marching band who’s loosing there director?
I need some good slogans to put on t-shirts for a h.s marching band that’s going to be loosing there band director,… Continue reading

New Boyz Sell Their T-Shirt Line In NYC – Hilarious! (watch in HD)

In New York’s bitter cold weather, the New Boyz humorously attempt to sell their new t-shirt line to impress Boss Lady from online retailer
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Ooh Child by the Five Stairsteps – First T-Shirt Gift Away by

Welcome to the first T-shirt Gift Away by is not a non for profit org., it is a US based business that gives a percentage of its earnings to charity. The concept is simple, for every T-shirt sold,… Continue reading