Q&A: Are there any free programs out there that rip tracks off DVDs and save them as .avi?
Question by Zeke Porter: Are there any free programs out there that rip tracks off DVDs and save them as .avi?
Please note that my intentions for such a program are not illegal. I intend to process some songs… Continue reading
Q&A: can you sell your music tracks to more then one artist at a time?
Question by Cassie Glouser: can you sell your music tracks to more then one artist at a time?
so my boyfriend makes is own music on the computer some of the best beats and tracks… Continue reading
What kind of business plan would I use for something like pure tracks or itunes?
Question by Sam: What kind of business plan would I use for something like pure tracks or itunes?
Taking a business course and for one of my assignments we have to write a business plan for an online music… Continue reading
Dance Central DLC tracks priced at $3, available now
Dance Central DLC tracks priced at , available now
We knew that Dance Central DLC would cost more than the $ 2 standard charged for Rock Band tracks, but how much more? According to Harmonix, tracks for the game will… Continue reading
what kind of contract (forms etc) do i need to make with a musician who wants to sell me all her tracks?
Question by GOLA n: what kind of contract (forms etc) do i need to make with a musician who wants to sell me all her tracks?
i know this girl who has about 30 really good all… Continue reading