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Q&A: What was the term coined for the pop groups of the 90’s that were put together by record labels?

Question by : What was the term coined for the pop groups of the 90’s that were put together by record labels?
I’m thinking “bubble gum factory” but I can’t find anything on the web to confirm… Continue reading

CMSA Coming Together

On June 23rd CMSA teachers filed for union recognition with school management with over two-thirds, 67%, supporting the organization of a union. Instead of working with teachers, school management fired a top teacher (who helped organize the union), and hired… Continue reading

Musicians band together for strikers in Detroit

Musicians band together for strikers in Detroit
Musicians from five U.S. orchestras plan to wear bracelets during performances this weekend to support the striking members of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, a national musicians’ union said Thursday.
Read more on AP… Continue reading

why all the elements to form a contract must be looked at together?

Question by mylife_mygame: why all the elements to form a contract must be looked at together?

Best answer:

Answer by jaige
it’s because absence of one would render the contract void, or any irregularity… Continue reading

Dwayne Coleman – All Things Work Together

“All Things Work Together” – A new music video from gospel recording artist Dwayne Coleman and Ground Level Productions / Musiq. ©2009 West Side Theatre Guild Film Works Director and Executive Producer MARK SPENCER Ass’t Director and Producer RASHAAD CHERRY… Continue reading