How does the music industry stay in business with all these cheap subscription services and online downloads?
Question by KatGuy: How does the music industry stay in business with all these cheap subscription services and online downloads?
I’m amazed with stuff like Rhapsody that the music industry can make money to survive. Why do… Continue reading
pleeease help, where can i find these cases?
Question by nooneyouknow: pleeease help, where can i find these cases?
im trying to look for these cases that our tutor told us, one is called norton vs norton, it has something to do with contract law,… Continue reading
How much should I charge for all of these editing and directing projects? More details below.?
Question by a00rlc: How much should I charge for all of these editing and directing projects? More details below.?
I recently was contracted to edit an indie film for a low budget production company. They’re pretty much… Continue reading
are these good enough reasons to want to work in the music business?
Question by kelly s: are these good enough reasons to want to work in the music business?
im obsessed with music in general…im constantly listening to it and i hate when someone tries to talk to me… Continue reading
We Hold These Tweets To Be Self-Evident [COMIC]
We Hold These Tweets To Be Self-Evident [COMIC]
If Twitter had been invented in 1776 instead of 2006, the American Revolution would have been so much more… what’s the word… awesome . This comic was illustrated by Kiersten Essenpreis ,… Continue reading