Poll: Should there be a law preventing minors from having record contracts?
Question by theunbreakable88: Poll: Should there be a law preventing minors from having record contracts?
It seems like with the rise of Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, and others that maybe it would be better if there was… Continue reading
Is there any license required to start a music record company?
Question by Big Mo II: Is there any license required to start a music record company?
Best answer:
Answer by mr_scayf
Try Google
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
I would like to know what career positions are there in the marketing and management aspect in music?
Question by brownlight: I would like to know what career positions are there in the marketing and management aspect in music?
Something non creative, but dealing with music labels and companies..I am looking for a college major and would… Continue reading
Q&A: Are there any recording studio, or music business internships in Atlanta, GA?
Question by gabrielle w: Are there any recording studio, or music business internships in Atlanta, GA?
Are there any recording studio, or music industry internships in Atlanta, GA? Record labels or artist management companies looking for interns?
Best answer:… Continue reading