Q&A: How do I go about getting record companies to allow me to post there music and videos on my site?
Question by Mr.: How do I go about getting record companies to allow me to post there music and videos on my site?
How do I go about getting record companies to allow me to post there… Continue reading
What kind of jobs are there in the music industry?
Question by Nex_Big_Thing: What kind of jobs are there in the music industry?
I play piano and sing so I love music a lot. I know there is not a big chance that I will be able to actually… Continue reading
Are there any problems with this form of government contract?
Question by taylor0396: Are there any problems with this form of government contract?
Would another type of contract be more beneficial? Explain your reasoning.
Best answer:
Answer by Ron Burgundy
Which form of contract are you referring?
Add your… Continue reading
Q&A: how many jobs are there in music?
Question by Esthela P: how many jobs are there in music?
as many jobs in the music business (example: songwriter…)
Best answer:
Answer by Gemini
too many….
Instrument player, designer
studio recording engineer
MTV director… Continue reading
Is there any other bands/artist looking to sue Tate Music Group?
Question by unhappy camper: Is there any other bands/artist looking to sue Tate Music Group?
I am dissatisfied with paying Tate Music Group the 2000 dollars. They promised media blast for venues played. They also offered a number of… Continue reading