why are low temperatures necessary for dense cores to form and contract into protostars?
Question by PAK ASIANS: why are low temperatures necessary for dense cores to form and contract into protostars?
Best answer:
Answer by lindajune
The main reason is that if the gas is hot it’s moving fast and the nebula… Continue reading
Q&A: Why are low temperatures necessary for dense cores to form and contract into protostars?
Question by XxalicexX: Why are low temperatures necessary for dense cores to form and contract into protostars?
Best answer:
Answer by deloisnelly35
Are you sure the question asks for low temperatures? Protostars form from a cold,… Continue reading
why are low temperatures necessary for dense cores to form and contract into protostars?
Question by Kassandra: why are low temperatures necessary for dense cores to form and contract into protostars?
why are low temperatures necessary for dense cores to form and contract into protostars?
Best answer:
Answer by ronwizfr… Continue reading