Can you tell me about a a music producer who you believe has added a TECHNICAL dimension to music production?
Question by CarSurfer220: Can you tell me about a a music producer who you believe has added a TECHNICAL dimension to music production?
And also describe his/her work? This can mean a producer with a distinctive… Continue reading
Dealing with loud neighbors (apartment)….Please read this and tell me what you think?
Question by Graysonfour: Dealing with loud neighbors (apartment)….Please read this and tell me what you think?
: Residents of Apt# 229,This letter is to ask that you please be considerate of your neighbors. You may not be aware that… Continue reading
Can anyone tell me where I can get a Copy of a “Comic Book Artist Contract”?
Question by Aldo m: Can anyone tell me where I can get a Copy of a “Comic Book Artist Contract”?
Can anyone tell me where I can get a Copy of a “Comic Book Artist Contract”?
Right now I’m… Continue reading
Can anyone tell me how I can sell sheet music online? Do I have copyright problems if I sell?
Question by Idle_Idol: Can anyone tell me how I can sell sheet music online? Do I have copyright problems if I sell?
I’ve arranged a few popular songs into sheet music. My problem is how to… Continue reading