How does the music industry influence our taste?
Question by Aldous S: How does the music industry influence our taste?
Im doing a project on how repeatedly hearing songs from the radio etc makes people start to like things that they might not have originally… Continue reading
What do you think of my taste of music?
Question by oLemon: What do you think of my taste of music?
I’ll hand a link to my last fm page. There you can see the top artist feedback, it’s especially clear if you click the “see… Continue reading
Buy or Sell: Your taste in music is a gift and a curse?
Question by Andy: Buy or Sell: Your taste in music is a gift and a curse?
I was just thinking about how I listen to a lot of artist who people generally don’t appreciate, so it’s kinda like a… Continue reading
Taste of Minnesota ends in bankruptcy
Taste of Minnesota ends in bankruptcy
It wasn’t until it was all over that Andrea Campbell really got worried. By then, she should have been soaking up the glow of success. Campbell and her husband had just wrapped up Minnesota’s… Continue reading
Is the music business getting a taste of its own medicine?
Question by tucker013: Is the music business getting a taste of its own medicine?
The music industry is in an uproar about losing music sales, but here is the thing…they’ve been using technology to milk us for… Continue reading