what do it take to become a music producer?
Question by jkno: what do it take to become a music producer?
be a hip-hop music producer
Best answer:
Answer by zaxton6
money to pay the music for stuidio time and for publishing and recording porducers foot the bill… Continue reading
Q&A: I am planning to do something in architect and construction in the future, what IB courses should I take?
Question by seanryuu: I am planning to do something in architect and construction in the future, what IB courses should I take?
I have always dreamed of designing, building, and re-modeling a house, building, and school. But I need… Continue reading
Apl.de.ap – Take me to the Philippines
Directed by: WeareRoyale www.weareroyale.com Apl.de.ap was born in Sapang Bato, Angeles City, Pampanga, in the Philippines, to a Filipino mother and an African American father. His father, a US airman stationed at Clark Air Base, abandoned the family shortly after… Continue reading
I am a vocal director: how do I deal with a performer that tries to take my place?
Question by Mo Graf: I am a vocal director: how do I deal with a performer that tries to take my place?
I am a 13 year old vocal director for a kid’s and teen’s theater group. The choreographers… Continue reading
Q&A: Could you please spare some time to take this survey?
Question by lalalalala: Could you please spare some time to take this survey?
Thanks for opening this and i would like to ask if you could please spare a little bit of time to take my survey… Continue reading