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In US, Struggling Artists Barter for Health Care

You can watch the original video here: In the US, artists without health insurance trade their skills for checkups and treatment at a New York hospital.

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Daniel Rubin: Philly will find a house for struggling newspaper bootjack

Daniel Rubin: Philly will find a house for struggling newspaper bootjack
Daniel Rubin: A magistrate is impressed enough with Olaniyan Adefumi’s turnaround, that she’s asked the city to do something almost unheard of. She’s told the city to find him… Continue reading

Tom Cruise Takes on `Mission Impossible’ to Boost Struggling Dubai Economy

Tom Cruise Takes on `Mission Impossible’ to Boost Struggling Dubai Economy
Tom Cruise ’s visit to Dubai to film “Mission Impossible IV: Ghost Protocol” will provide a boost to the indebted city’s economy as it seeks to reap the benefits… Continue reading