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Celine Dion – Please Sing This Song! “You Inspire Me” I wrote it specifically for you! :)

I sat up late one night watching YouTube videos of Celine Dion in the studio on her last record. I was blown away by how amazing she was; personality, singing – everything! I was completely inspired by her and the… Continue reading

Which universities in Japan give degrees specifically for Video Game music production?

Question by omar_kage: Which universities in Japan give degrees specifically for Video Game music production?
I’m looking to pursue a future career in sound engineering/ music production for video games. I have heard that universities… Continue reading

What should I get my degree in specifically if i want to get into the business side of the music industry?

Question by jizzle: What should I get my degree in specifically if i want to get into the business side of the music industry?
I am already in college and have started taking basic business courses but i have… Continue reading