what jobs caN i get doing something in music? and what should i major in?
Question by BLEACHBLONDE311: what jobs caN i get doing something in music? and what should i major in?
i want a job touring or promoting music.
Best answer:
Answer by DEE W
Music teacher.… Continue reading
Q&A: I am planning to do something in architect and construction in the future, what IB courses should I take?
Question by seanryuu: I am planning to do something in architect and construction in the future, what IB courses should I take?
I have always dreamed of designing, building, and re-modeling a house, building, and school. But I need… Continue reading
i want to burn a c.d with the music i downloaded but it says something about a license how do i get one?
Question by jalisa_boo93: i want to burn a c.d with the music i downloaded but it says something about a license how do i get one?
i was downloading songs from bearshare and when i went… Continue reading
Considering changing my major to something in the music industry..need advice?
Question by Joanna: Considering changing my major to something in the music industry..need advice?
I am currently a sophomore at Michigan State University pursuing an Education degree, but have always loved music. I spend all of… Continue reading