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Blackhawk I Sure Can Smell The Rain

Unless some mean spirited, short-sighted record company blocks this … ENJOY. It is really stupid how some labels block music. This is the best advert a band can get. People are more likely to remember them and go and buy… Continue reading

Is anyone else starting to smell a rat with “Joe the Plumber”, a publicist? a recording contract? more..?

Question by A#1Grandma: Is anyone else starting to smell a rat with “Joe the Plumber”, a publicist? a recording contract? more..?
Now this guy has a publicist, a possibility of a recording contract, I heard rumors of a book,… Continue reading

Is it Just me, or do I Smell Some ish?: Doing Real Business In The Recording Industry

Is it Just me, or do I Smell Some ish?: Doing Real Business In The Recording Industry
*During my 30 plus years in this business, I can truly say that I have done some good deals, and believe me, I… Continue reading