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NZ Surf & Skate

No whales, chickens, nor humans, were hurt in the making of this video… Out-takes from the past two summers’ crash’n’burn wipeout sessions!
Video Rating: 0 / 5

Q&A: Isn’t this a far better idea than lawsuits against cheap skate thieves who illegally download music?

Question by ouchababy1: Isn’t this a far better idea than lawsuits against cheap skate thieves who illegally download music?
I love the idea of just making life on line unbearable to these people…..What do you think?

After… Continue reading

Skate Season Distribution

This is a review of a Goodwood Bamboo deck, Industrial trucks, Form wheels, Rush Swiss Bearings, and a flying monkey with rabies. Just kidding, no monkey. Special thanks to Mike Santarosa (look him up, kids!) for sending over the gear!… Continue reading

Freaky Skate Crew: Skate 2 Montage

A Freaky Skate Crew Montage. This is the first Skate 2 Montage by FSC [UPDATE] If you want to join send a message to Xbox Gamertag: The Mattsterr He will tell you the requirements and where to send vids. Team… Continue reading