Would You Like To Get Signed To A Record Label?
Check out info on how to create music that is off the charts!!
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Has Arsenal finally signed a pre contract agreement with Marouane Chamakh?
Question by ChefdeRose: Has Arsenal finally signed a pre contract agreement with Marouane Chamakh?
Best answer:
Answer by Meerkat Baggy….SIMPLES..!!
no he hasnt signed a pre contract for any one yet
he hasnt even said he is going to… Continue reading
Is a verbal agreement binding if there is also a contract involved not yet signed?
Question by Samantha: Is a verbal agreement binding if there is also a contract involved not yet signed?
I rented a parking spot in a garage and the owner and I had a verbal agreement that I would pay… Continue reading
Can A Person Be Signed To Multiple Record Labels?
Question by NormalMan: Can A Person Be Signed To Multiple Record Labels?
i always see on someones band page or something soulja boy as an ex. it says labels: Interscope/SODMG Records . You Can Be Signed To Two .… Continue reading
How can I get signed to a distribution record deal ? Help from pro’s or anyone who knows about music!!?
Question by Stephanie: How can I get signed to a distribution record deal ? Help from pro’s or anyone who knows about music!!?
Ok so I have a guitar and I make songs and stuff….Im 12 btw.… Continue reading