When should I receive my contract of employment?
Question by Mrs Prop: When should I receive my contract of employment?
I work in catering. 5 months ago the company that I worked lost the contract and we were TUPE’d over to a new company. I… Continue reading
What course should I take?
Question by rex: What course should I take?
I’m about to graduate next year, and up to now, I’m just not really sure what I want. Basically, I think there are just two courses for me: liberal arts or… Continue reading
The call should rest with local boards
The call should rest with local boards
Just when it seems that maybe politicians are finally in tune, they toss up a clunker that proves perhaps they’ll never, ever correctly match the words and music.The Republican leadership in the North… Continue reading
Asian Americans and fiction. Should western fiction include more Asian cultures? Would Western cultures accept?
Question by Lauren: Asian Americans and fiction. Should western fiction include more Asian cultures? Would Western cultures accept?
This might sound like a silly question at first, but I’m being honest. I listen to music and watch shows that… Continue reading
What should my major in college be?
Question by ala caka rumdige: What should my major in college be?
Well, not for me, but for my cousin. She really loves music and is involved with many music activities there are in her school.… Continue reading